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Be Bold & Courageous: A 5 Minute Momma Refresher

Natural Christian Mommas

"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9.

Many times as moms we wonder if we are doing the right thing. If we are making the right choices. If we are giving enough of ourselves. 

We lay in bed at the end of the day and relive the day and think of all the things we could have done better. We may even resolve to make tomorrow a better day. Tomorrow, I won't lose my patience. Tomorrow, I will clean the house. Tomorrow, we will read the Bible as a family. Tomorrow, I will eat better.

Some of us have even bigger issues that we are concerned with: financial troubles, job security worries, health issues.

All of our concerns, no matter how small, are legitimate. God has given us a promise to rest on. In Joshua, He reminds us that He will be with us wherever we go. We don't need to be afraid or discouraged, but instead we are to be strong and courageous.

In motherhood this translates to having peace about our decisions because we have the Lord with us, guiding us through His Holy Spirit each step of the way. When we invite God into our family and into our daily decisions, we can be strong and courageous and confident that we are doing the best for our family. When we rely on Him, He will direct our steps. 

It is a good thing to always want to do better and to evaluate where you are currently. But we need to rest in God and ask Him to help us be better. He is with us for a reason. We were not supposed to stumble through life without His hand guiding us.

So was today a perfect day? No, but don't be discouraged because God is with you.

Let us pray: Heavenly Father we thank You for being with us wherever we go. We need You. We need Your help and guidance in every area of our lives. Help us to rest in you and turn to you daily so we can be strong and courageous in our decisions. We pray that we listen daily to the Holy Spirit and respond to your gentle nudges.  Help us to not be discouraged when we fail, but instead to focus on you and on doing right the next time. Thank you Lord for this reminder today. Amen.

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